Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dirndlzilla...the dirndl of death

On last saturday, after a crazy day/afternoon/night with the french guys, we went to this bar, netzer, they only play very good rock music. The french guys left cuz they had been awake for over 24 hours, drove from britanny, went to wiesn and what not.. so yeah.. they were destroyed.
Victor, Hermann(german) and I, however, decided to stay cuz we love this bar. So there we are, jumping around being crazy and all.. all of a sudden, a shudder got hold of all the people inside this tiny bar (cuz it ireally is tiny), the music was suddenly shrilly, the air got heavy, cold shivers crawled up everyboy's spine, and then... Hermann's beer goes flying all over my dirndl (traditional bavarian dress).. what is that? who pushed me? is it a hard metal rocker dude wearing a dirndl?... NEIN!!! it's a woman... DIRNDLZILLA!! the dirndl of death.
This chick was so huge, she was tall and big, looked like a guy from behind, with long crazy curly hair, jumping around, spreading death among the toe community, killing any beer that came close, destroying and barging into groups of people with her fangs... dirndlzilla, the dirndl of death.

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