So... on thursday last (15.04.2010) I went to the theater: Carmen (more info http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen_%28%C3%B3pera%29). I have always wanted to see this opera. However... this was certainly an eventful night. It all started when I decided that after all, I was gonna change (at work) to go to the Theater, that means a pretty dress on. The only problem was that I had Rosie with me (my bike, my gorgeous red bike). So there I go, but after I saw the broadly smiling faces of the first 2 men I happened to cross in my path, I took the gentle decision to stop and pull out my jeans from my backpack and put them on. This must've looked quite interestieg for the passers-by: a grown woman getting dressed in the middle of the street. It was good I decided to change, cuz at the theater everybody was suited up! That was a very nice change of scenary, pretty dresses and suits instead of t-shirts and dirty jeans. Diversity is good (proven once again). Final
ly I got to my well placed seat (since I bought a ticket with student discount, they give you the best available place for the ridiculous price of 8 euros) and the show began. All of a suden I feel this strain in my neck muscles... OMG!!!! what is this? ooo, do not worry, just a sudden excesive muscular activity. In order to be able to see the show, I had to move around a lot because the woman in front of me, man.. I don't know if she was bored or had very advanced parkinson's disease, all I know is that she moved like an upside down grandfather clock's pendulum on too much E!!! finally I decided to just stay in one position and just see whatever she let me, which wasn't much, but better than teeerrible neck cramps. Also I noticed that there were lots of groups of boys, like, kids from high school in groups of 5 or 6, all boys looking sharp in their borrowed suits. Maybe there was a massive class assignement.After the show was over, you could hear the loud cries of rejoycement due to recognition of fellow classmates as one group spotted another group of tortured teenager souls being forced on the classical arts. It made me smile and chuckle a bit. I felt sorry though, about the group behind me, they thought I moved like an upside down pendulum on E. The most singular part of this evening was that when everybody got their belongings from the check room, the foyer looked like a coed changing room, everybody was changing into more comfortable/warmer shoes, exchanging suit jackets by raincoats (yes, it was raining yet again); and well, I pulled out my jeans and red convers, and put them on like everybody else. From the pecularities observed, the inner tingling provoked by the beauty of art and the very cheap price, I think I might become addicted to this sort of outing.
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