As you might know (sarcasm of course), I am a LITTLE clumsy and I fall all the time. This past three months have been legen.... wait for it... wait wait... DARY.
Here is the account of the most amazingly ridiculous mishaps I have had since arriving to München.
First... there I go, in a hurry (cuz I am always late) and the elevators at the dorm sort of... how to put it?...SUCK! and since I am only on the 2nd floor, well, I decided to just run down the stairs, huge backpack and all. To my gleeful surprise, they had just cleaned the floors, but the tiles are black and there was no sing. All of a sudden, out of nowhere i hear this thudding and I say to myself: what is that? ooooh yeah! is my butt (not so) gently falling down the entire flight of stairs all the way down (10 huuuge steps) to turning point. Couldn't walk straight the rest of the day.
To continue, the biggest of them all. We went skiing and I fell all over the place, normal right? haven't really gotten a chance to practice skiing. But no, the second I am left alone, I am preparing to go down a gentle blue slope, and as I am turning to start, my right ski goes over the left one and... CLACK!! oh what is that? my knee just got DISLOCATED! this is the one that got dislocated back in Iowa, for the few lucky people who where there to hear the gentle song of pain I emitted. This time i knew what was up, didn't scream or anything, guess I was too numbed by cold. So I dropped to the ground, pushed the knee back in (like the doc in Iowa said I should do next time it happens) and covered it with snow. Stayed there for like... EVER (or maybe just 20 min) and well... I had to go down right? so I skied down the gentle blue slope WITHOUT falling, not once, GENIUS!
After that, I took a lot of care of myself: elevators, escalators, Ubahn, tram etc. but after a while, I got Roxanne (my red bike :D) to strengthen my knee muscles (doc's prescriptions) and well, my evil knee is back to normal... or WAS.
On friday last (yes, still influenced by the about-the-Bible book)
we went out, I was wearing a dress all pretty and all; but Juju felt compelled to make fun of me in a very diverse manner. So, when we were in the escalators in Marienplatz (downtown München) I was running up the escalators to leave him behind, and of course... I FELL. The awesome thing is that the spikes of the escalator went inside my previously f-up knee. I cannot take pain, NOT AT ALL. But still I didn't cry, I was concentrating really hard. So we went to the irish pub, yet again, to get some pain medicine... didn't work, after I almost chuged my Bulmer's I went home and cried all the way from the Ubahn to my dorm.
The last one, yesterday. I was happily riding Rox, and all of a sudden something pulls my right foot, tightens my laces... OMG I can't move my leg anymore!!! face forward, I fell to the ground. Got to save my BEAuuuuutilfull (bruce almighty style) features with my hands, that did not get scratched cuz of riding gloves. What happened is that the lace of my red convers got caught in the pedal and entangled themselves very very strongly. I had to do circus-like moves, butt in the air and all, to be able to free myself from the choking firm grip of clumsyness.
Here is the account of the most amazingly ridiculous mishaps I have had since arriving to München.
First... there I go, in a hurry (cuz I am always late) and the elevators at the dorm sort of... how to put it?...SUCK! and since I am only on the 2nd floor, well, I decided to just run down the stairs, huge backpack and all. To my gleeful surprise, they had just cleaned the floors, but the tiles are black and there was no sing. All of a sudden, out of nowhere i hear this thudding and I say to myself: what is that? ooooh yeah! is my butt (not so) gently falling down the entire flight of stairs all the way down (10 huuuge steps) to turning point. Couldn't walk straight the rest of the day.
To continue, the biggest of them all. We went skiing and I fell all over the place, normal right? haven't really gotten a chance to practice skiing. But no, the second I am left alone, I am preparing to go down a gentle blue slope, and as I am turning to start, my right ski goes over the left one and... CLACK!! oh what is that? my knee just got DISLOCATED! this is the one that got dislocated back in Iowa, for the few lucky people who where there to hear the gentle song of pain I emitted. This time i knew what was up, didn't scream or anything, guess I was too numbed by cold. So I dropped to the ground, pushed the knee back in (like the doc in Iowa said I should do next time it happens) and covered it with snow. Stayed there for like... EVER (or maybe just 20 min) and well... I had to go down right? so I skied down the gentle blue slope WITHOUT falling, not once, GENIUS!
After that, I took a lot of care of myself: elevators, escalators, Ubahn, tram etc. but after a while, I got Roxanne (my red bike :D) to strengthen my knee muscles (doc's prescriptions) and well, my evil knee is back to normal... or WAS.
On friday last (yes, still influenced by the about-the-Bible book)
The last one, yesterday. I was happily riding Rox, and all of a sudden something pulls my right foot, tightens my laces... OMG I can't move my leg anymore!!! face forward, I fell to the ground. Got to save my BEAuuuuutilfull (bruce almighty style) features with my hands, that did not get scratched cuz of riding gloves. What happened is that the lace of my red convers got caught in the pedal and entangled themselves very very strongly. I had to do circus-like moves, butt in the air and all, to be able to free myself from the choking firm grip of clumsyness.
ReplyDeleteYou falling down?...can't believe so... :)
Luckily i haven't, i shouln´t get so proud of my self or I carefull hon...
Love you!!!