Thursday, December 9, 2010
some times serenity pays
Friday, November 26, 2010
Shooting star catcher... 1
Tu capa cayó...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
katie meets johannes
Thursday, November 4, 2010
annoying noise!!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Bungalow art
Ponchal: el quarto de siglo
Friday, October 15, 2010
new home, new cooking adventure
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Vito Mussollini, der italienischen tigger
the park next door
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The year of living biblically

Unpacking my life
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I am a Rockstar!
On monday it all started... I had to do the revisions of my thesis, and incredible amount of changes, apparently I can write a novel about my project but not a scientific document... oh well... I guess I will survive :D. I got ready for long day of work, I was determined to not leave the office until I finished. I started, quite slowly, the muses were not resting in my shoulders and inspiration took some time to arrive. So I went for lunch, and later on to the market to get supplies, it was going slowly but surely, at a nice pace. Then night came, and I was stil there. There are some repairments going on at the office, they started at midnight, and there I was to hear them. I put on my awesome headphones and continued. I finally got done on tuesday at 530 pm! yes, almost 33 hours of continuous thesis writing, with numb buttocks, aching fingers and stiff neck, I sent the pdf file to my supervisor. Naturally, the next step was to go home, take a shower and.. put on my dirndl! yes, I went to the wiesn, the fourth time.
I went with mexican guys, victor and jesus, we went to HB tent, found some I-am-only-gay-when-I-drink guys, some chicks from bulgaria (victor really liked that :D) and stayed there until they kicked us out. I went to bed at like 1 am or so.
Wednesday I woke up at 530 am to pack, cuz see, I needed to move out. So I packed, and packed and kept on packing until 8 pm that thibault got there with his car. Awesome thibault helped me out. So between the two of us and Lucien(german/french), we put all of my junk in thibault's car, went to my new home where victor was waiting and we unloaded all of it. Afterwards, vic and I went for dinner. Got home around 1 am.
on thursday, I woke up again 530, finished getting my stuff, went to the office to dump them, went back to my room, cleaned a bit and took back the key. Then I went back to the office to print out my thesis, took it to get it book binded, went for lunch, turned it in and again... went to wiesn with the office people!! jajajaja, 5th day at wiesn. We went to HB... again. We rocked it, we drank, jumped, sang, got bitten by one drunken colleague that was giving out kisses of death to anyone that came close, aahhhh, good times. Afterwards, some of us wanted to continue rocking it, and well.. I had just submitted my thesis!! so I went, we went to netzer, the awesome tiny rock bar. we jumped around, drank, danced to swing and oldies, until very early in the morning. That day I stayed at my friend casjen's (german)cuz I had no home for one night and he was out of town, so nice of him to let me have his place for a night :D
Friday I woke up early again, I had to go to the office and clean up my stuff, then I took it all to my new place and went to wiesn with lore, marie and gusto. We walked around, got on one of the rides, ate peanuts and all. Then I went home and had dinner with new old roomate, johannes, very good cook. Then I went to sausalitos with lore, gusto and Vic until like 2 am, very nice time.
On saturday we were at one of the paulaner tents at 7 am!!!! otherwise you cant get a table. Got in around 850 or so, french guys finally got there and thankfully they let them in. And it started again, 6th day at wiesn. Drinking, jumping, singing, talking to people, dancing... good stuff. Then some very smart portion of our group went outside the tent. This is terrible, cuz the tents are closed usually on sat cuz there is a lot of people. So I had to crawl in the disgusting floor full of Wiesn slime (vomit, 2-week-old beer stickyness, pieces of food and bread) to retrieve our stuff and all. We all went outside and went to a biergarten where we met Thibault and company. Had more beer. Afterwards we went to the irish pub and, well, lets just say it was an adventure. There was crowd diving with no croud, pole dancing, glass breaking, drink spilling, dangerous french pick up lines, you knkow.. drunken french men are dangerous in everywhere way. Getting them off of girls, off of the stage, off of me, off of the bar, off of everything. Then we went to McDonald's in central station and I witnessed the funniest mayonnaise fight ever. Then we went to netzer and french guys left, they were so tired and drunk. Victor, Hermann and I stayed.. obviously. We met the dirndl of death (see other entry), jumped, drank.. you know the drill; until 530 am. Got home at 6 am. Yes again awake for 24 hours.
Sunday, for some exotic reason that I do not understand, iIwoke up at 1045, washed my wine soaked dirndl, and went for a walk in the city. We had beautiful warm weather, so I sundressed up and went out for a stroll in town. Hung out with lore in the sun before he had to go back to Dresden and then went to the chinese tower biergarten with the entourage. Then we went to wiesn again!! 7th day! Found a table and went on with the routine. Then we went to the most horrible club area: kultfabrik. Went into some bar and well.. the drill again. Got home at like 2 am
On monday I forced myself to sleep later, cuz yes, I woke up at 8, and then got calls and messages and all. Finally got out of bed at 12. Went for lunch and then to the office to get some stuff done. Then I went to... WIESN!!! yes, the 8th day there, 5th day in a row. I went with Jesus and Daniel (venezuela), met Hermann and his friends there, at the augustiner biergarten. After one beer, I joined again Jesus and Daniel and went tent hoping, ended up at the other paulaner. It was so cool, the celebration of the end of the wiesn was great. They get this lights I dont know the name of and sing hey jude. Man, it was great. Then we went out and rode one of the rollercoasters = cool! Then I was going home but I got the awesome idea of texting Hermann.. so of course they came to Hbf (hauptbahnhof: central station) to pick me up. Hermann's cousin owns a biketaxi and he gave us a ride to this bar with a drunken funny old woman of a bartender. It was so funny. After everybody left, Hermann and I tought it would be genius to continue the party, but we got kicked out of this bar, pimpernelle, for not paying the entrace. Then, Hermann's cousin called him to tell him about a party of all the biketaxi people that now that oktoberfest is over, they are loaded and tired. So, of course, we went. I got home at 8 am! It was fun fun. I had to get up early today cuz I had to come to the office to get this paper I need that obviously is not ready, so I went for sushi, came back, and I'm still waiting...
I had a crazy week! I loved it, I am destroyed: I would do it again
Dirndlzilla...the dirndl of death
Victor, Hermann(german) and I, however, decided to stay cuz we love this bar. So there we are, jumping around being crazy and all.. all of a sudden, a shudder got hold of all the people inside this tiny bar (cuz it ireally is tiny), the music was suddenly shrilly, the air got heavy, cold shivers crawled up everyboy's spine, and then... Hermann's beer goes flying all over my dirndl (traditional bavarian dress).. what is that? who pushed me? is it a hard metal rocker dude wearing a dirndl?... NEIN!!! it's a woman... DIRNDLZILLA!! the dirndl of death.
This chick was so huge, she was tall and big, looked like a guy from behind, with long crazy curly hair, jumping around, spreading death among the toe community, killing any beer that came close, destroying and barging into groups of people with her fangs... dirndlzilla, the dirndl of death.
the magical WIESN!
Here I was, tooooota
I went several times, 8 days to drink and 1 to walk around and stuff, so technically just 8.
In my (vast) tent experience, HB is the most international, the band plays a lot of well known songs, almost no german ones, but the typical ein prositz... (which I tooootally love), but since is the most famous around the world, most of the international tourism goes there.
The traditional wiesn was also very cool and itneresting. I went on opening day there, it was totally worth it but not for party machen, nein nein. The different breweries got together and made one special beer that... SUCKED! but oh well... in general oktoberfest beer has more alcohol than the normal one and well.. is one litter mugs.
The augustiner tent is quite good, although is very traditional, so.. alles auf deutsch, no music that I can sing. It was the pretiest one also, but I left cuz well... I cant sing
I also visited the Pschorr tent, quite good and fun, nothing particular about it but the fact that I went with this new friend I got, ricky (australian) and his friends... so there I was, rocking it with a guy that I had just met and a bunch of strangers, but cool strangers! It was so much fun, this indian guy, Kulpreet, he chugged 3 (maybe 4) masses before 1 pm, of course.. he was destroyed. When people are gonna chug a beer, they stand up on the table and everybody claps and cheers, it's so very funny.
I went to both paulaner tents, the best one was the one with a huuuuge beer mug on top of a tower... yes, a tower.
The spaten tent was laim, but hey... it's wiesn.. so.. awesome anyway.
The first sunday I went to HB with roadtripping friends, jarret and casjen, found the "party animals" from the office and well... I don't know exactlly how much fun I had, but apparently a lot, ended up with some poor irish guy's (very good) jacket that he gave me cuz I was cold, cuz obviously I left the wiesn just like that, left my jacket there and all, oh well... I got a (bigger) better one :D
This year, the wiesn had one extra day cuz it has been 200 years since the first one, so yesterday, monday... yes... I went to wiesn :D It was the best day of them all, the one that I had more fun, the atmosphere was genius! Then I got on the rollercoaster with Jesus (mexican) and Daniel (venezuela).
At the wiesn you can find so many wierd things.. like a group of guys wearing tuxes, and another one on a lion suit.. literally. Flowers go around almost as much as beer, the guys playing in the bands have coreography prepared and all; guys say lines like: oh come on.. it's ok, I'm italian; I'm french, can i put mustard in your boobs?; I will love you forever, let's go to the fc bayern game. And for sure, every
My favourite wiesn feature was the hat collection... so many of them, amazing, of course I wanted them ALL. Didnt get any jijijiji, well... while being there I did get some, but well, I gave them back to the guys the hats originally belonged to; I figured one "new" item was enough :D There were the traditional hats, the beer hats, bayern hats, lion hats, all kinds of hats.
All in all, even if Wiesn and I have a passionate, turbulent, sometimes violent, relationship. I think we willl see each other again... I love Wiesn!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
- Te extraño – dije en voz alta. Si fuera la típica historia romántica dedicada a levantar suspiros, este sería el momento donde confieso que sentí una puerta abrirse y mi corazón liberarse, que aceptaba el dolor y estaba, al fin, listo para un nuevo amor.
Pero no. Todo quedo igual. No llegó el alivio que tanto espero, tan sólo se acentuó mi soledad.
Te extraño y siento un vacío en el pecho con cada respiro que doy. Aunque no esté pensando en ti – situación no muy frecuente – te llevo en cada poro de mi piel.
“Nosotros” murió sin haber nacido.
- Simplemente no sientes lo mismo – dijiste, y la tristeza invadió tu mirada.
- Vivimos a cientos de kilómetros de distancia, y a pesar de vernos relativamente seguido, a distancia todo es difícil – ofrecí como primera excusa.
- Simplemente no sientes lo mismo – tu tristeza inundó mis pulmones
- Además, aunque charlemos todas las noches como hasta ahora, no creo que sea buena idea – dije con un suspiro. Segunda excusa.
- Simplemente no sientes lo mismo – resignación acentuando tus palabras.
- Tienes una relación muy extraña con Sebastián. Se que ustedes son solo amigos, pero no entiendo tu situación con él – dije, tratando de acallar el atronador bombardeo de mi mente.
- Simplemente no sientes lo mismo que yo – una estrella fugaz atravesó tu mirada, luz brillante que se fue para nunca volver.
- Además somos fantásticos amigos, contigo puedo ser yo mismo, te puedo abrir mi alma completamente, puedo hablar tanto de mis tonterías como de mis más profundos deseos. Tu amistad es muy importante para mí – dije, dándome cuenta que ya estábamos en una relación.
- Mira Esteban – aquí supe que era el final, que era demasiado tarde para arreglar mi error – se que no quieres lastimarme, así que es más fácil llamarlo por lo que es: simplemente no sientes lo mismo que yo. Por este motivo pondré distancia emocional entre nosotros. E lo mejor para mí, pues siempre estaré esperando algo más y eso no es justo para nadie.
- Pero, Aurora, yo te adoro, tú lo sabes. Todo esto ha sido una sorpresa para mí, me cayó como un balde de agua fría directo a la cara – me pregunto si esa humedad en tus ojos es el residuo – no te alejes de mí, de verdad me duele lastimarte, no poder corresponderte – dije, escondiendo mi miedo tras una mentira.
- Es culpa de nadie, pero estas cosas pasan, lo siento de veras.
Me pediste que no te buscara más, diste media vuelta y te marchaste de mi lado.
Aún siento el calor de tu mano entre mis dedos; me quema.
Te extraño y ardo de rabia y celos de solo escuchar que vas por el mundo acompañada de mejores hombres que yo.
Cobarde, es lo que soy. Ciego, es lo que fui.
Te extraño, hasta nunca ma chérie.
te extraño.
Estarás pensando en mi?
Sobre mis planes y metas quisieras saber.
Pienso en ti a cada momento
no quiero prisioneros en mis sueños
tenerte cautivo me exclaviza
el recuerdo de tus dulces labios me hipnotiza
Mariposas revolotean en mis entrañas
sonrisas esporádicas capturan mis labios
cual emboscada en ataque
me rindo felizmente.
Mis labios ansiosos anticipan tus besos
imagino tu abrazo
electricidad recorre mi piel
Fantaseo con el brillo de tu mirada
me pierdo en tus hermosos ojos cafés
desarmame con la vista
mi amor, te extrañé
What is he doing here?
What is his name?
Where did he come from?
Where did we meet?
Go away
Don't take my key
I won't give you my number
Close the door when you leave
... never again