So, this week, Georg, a friend of Johannes' (my new roomate), went on vacation and has left us with his preicous and beloved pet... Vito, the cat.This cat is 18 years old and comes from the beaches near Trieste in Italy. He is very very lazy and fat. Wakes me up at like.. 7 am cuz he wants to be pet. This is good, so I can go for a ride with Rox II (elaboration will be made later), my new old bike.
Vito is like a dictator, he wants to be pet, he wants my chair, he wants in my room so a few seconds later he can ask to be let out. He meows when I'm cooking or just drinking water; attacks my hand while it is restfully lying on the coach.. i mean, i know it looks delicious and spicy.. but come on Shere Kahn, give me a break.He is also very cute and loving, he looks and feels quite fluffy and has huge, very expressive green eyes.
I love this cat, Amo Vito Mussolini, la tigre italiana.
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