Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The amazing kitchen experiment

There I was... STARVING. So I got the crazy idea to try and cook something for myself: paprika (rajas) cream. So I went to the market and got the stuff: three colored bell peppers, garlinc, onions, cream... all of it. Came back, ventured in the obscured land (specially cuz Juju hit my kitchen lamp with my football and sometimes it doesn't turn on) of the kitchen. IT WORKED!! I put it on some pasta and SHABANG!! Delicious dinner for me :D
After that succes, the next day I decided to try something else, so I made tomato-bacon-everything-I-found-in-my-fridge red sauce for more pasta, and put some chicken in this time. It was also good.
Then on saturday i decided I was gonna upgrade the level, so I downloaded from faithtful internet (Internet, I believe, is a God given right to human kind) two recepies: alfredo sauce and buffalo sauce. Oh yeah, you know it: fetuccini alfredo with buffalo chicken! Juju heard of this and well... he haaaaad to try it. And so I started... the big adventure. Prepared the buffalo sauce first: it was killer, mean and delicious! so hot and good (that's what she said jijiji). Then i moved on to the alfredo, that was a bit trickier, depending on how thick you want the texture, but still worked.
Juju came over and ate, he ate it all, I still don't know if he liked it or not, but he ate it all and did NOT die. True, he did get an abnormally high digestion activity, but he kept putting buffalo in his chicken! I mean, that has happened to the best of us. But then he went out for a ride with Charlotte (his bike) and everything was fine fine.
So, here are the pics and the recepies.


  • 1 cup of milk cream (the kind you use for baking)
  • 2 ts of butter
  • 1/4 grated parmesan cheese
  • 100 gr diced ham
  • salt
  • pepper
  1. Melt the butter in a pan
  2. add ham and stir. Slowly add the rest of the ingredients
  • 1 bar (90gr) of non salt butter
  • 2 sliced (very fine) garlic cloves
  • 2 ts of tomato paste
  • 2 ts of white vinagre
  • 2 ts chicken soupp knorr
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 1/2 cup tabasco (or more if you wish)
  1. Melt the butter in a pan
  2. Add garlic and stir until it changes color
  3. add the rest of ingredients and stir to slow fire fr 8 mins

1 comment:

  1. Baby!!!
    I see your experience in the kitche is going quite well...thaks 4 the recipes!!! I'll try them my self!!!
    Love u!!!
