Friday, December 28, 2012

The turkey race

This year I have decided to do and have different/crazy/fun/new/old things and adventures.
I started to go to the gym! I know… that is pretty extreme. However, I decided to take it even further, so I entered the turkey race! In this race there are three categories: 10km, 5km and disabled. If you win the 10km track you win a gigantic turkey, hence, the turkey race. This is held on the 23rd of December or the Sunday previous to Christmas, so you can cook your turkey for the family reunion. I entered the 5km race.
training sessions
I must mention that I joined the gym a little over a month ago. I decided to enter the race the Monday before it, because having no appropriate training whatsoever is the optimal case for running a race. I said running? Sorry, I meant power walking. So, one week before I stared the training for this “race” and spent the entire week sore and going to Christmas parties.
right at the start
On the night before the event, my brother had his housewarming party so I went. And I left very late. I had a total of 3.5 hours of sleep. Still, I woke up, sort of, got dressed and got my super trained butt to the race.
proof that i finished
I did pretty well: finished, in less time that it took me any day that precious week on the treadmill. There was this trio of women which I assume were right out from the party like me. I started thinking of them as colleagues, sisters in arms until they started looking at me and trying to go faster. Once they had passed me they would look back and snigger!!! SNIGGER!!! Then they would walk instead of power walk, and since I was keeping pace the whole time, not faster not slower, then I would pass them, one minute later, they would repeat the same exercise and SNIGGER once more. That was a bit disturbing, given that I had never seen these three women in my life. And even if I had I wouldn’t have socialized with them, I mean, one had a leopard print hoodie; the unsightly sweater I have ever laid eyes upon. It was painful every time they passed me because I was forced to visually digest such ugliness.
In the end, a little over 100m before the end line, I heard my fans (colleagues from the gym, we were sort of team, a support team I guess ) yelling my name and chanting my praises, so in order to please the masses I ran the last 100m of the race. The best part was that like 2m before the end, I saw that ugly piece of garment again, so I had the delight of running ahead of it right before it managed to get those chubby toes across the line. That was satisfactory.
All in all it was a nice and fun experience. I would recommend it and repeat for sure

my fans

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