Monday, January 3, 2011

where is my mommy??

I am here, right now, sitting on my sister's couch in cancun. My sister has a dog, two cats, a canary and a boyfriend, so... lots of pets. The funny thing is that these pets, specially the dog (Boox = the black one in mayan) and the youngest cat (gatochi, very original given that gato = cat) are a peculiar couple. All of this pets are machos varones masculinos (male) and the oldest one is one of the cats, six months.
The peculiar thing about this couple, boox and gatochi, is that they do not behave like cat and dog, NEIN, they are good friends, Boox bites gatochi's leg like micky the mouse did to the corn cobs with goofy; and gatochi, well.. he is a little bit more disturbed.
Gatochi was saved by my sister from a crazy owner that literally banged him against the floor and threw him across the room to the walls. He was 3 weeks old when he came to live with Patty (my sister), he could barely open his eyes, his ears were not yet completly out and all. Of course, he was not ready to give up his mother's milk.
So now, gatochi, the crazy beauuutiful cat, comes over to hairy boox and finds a nice good warm spot and... starts looking for milk! yes yes, like kittens do to their mothers, they wrap their little tongue around their mother, push with their little paws and suck. Well, poor boox, has no nipples like gatochi's mother, nor milk, he only has hair and a warm big big belly, so gatochi just sucks on boox's stomach for long periods of time!!
Boox doesn't mind at all, he is a nice cute little puppy, but this image is disturbing and heart breaking, poor little gatochi misses his mommy!!

1 comment:

  1. jajaja!
    No habia Leido este!
    Mi vido!...extraño a mi gatochi, no volvio....bu!!!!!
