So... right now im sitting in the sunny yucatán peninsula pondering if i should go to the beach or not. But it was not that easyyyyyy.
To get to this point i had to pass through the horrid traveling system in france. Horrid. Yes.
I was late for my baggage drop at the Munich airport.. true, but the air france lady told me not to worry cuz my flight was delayed two hour anyway. So calmly and happily I went to the waiting area by the gate, sat down and waited. And waited longer. And waited still!! I and my flight colleagues were waiting there for FIVE HOURS!!! guess why? two much snow in france and Charles de Gaulle airport had no idea what to do about it. And also because a lot of airports in northern europe (like all of the the great britain) where closed due to snow and bad weather, so Paris people of course had plane traffic jam!
We finally boarded the plane and had a nice and pleasant trip to CDG-Paris. The thing, was that I had a biiig chance to lose my connection to Mexico city. So, right off the plane I... RAN. I got to the conseil de les arrivées et les départs and serached for my connection, the saddest thing, it read: embarquement fermé!!! neeeein!! well, then i thought: my luggage is still inside the plane and documented to follow a plane that will take me no longer, so i searched for another flight to mexico city.. there was one, so I... RAN yet again, and kept on running until i got to the airfrance's desk and pleadded with this very nice young french lady to pleaaaaase put me ont hat plane even if i din't get my luggage. I still had chance to get to merida. She did put me on that plane. Then it got delayed even further! but i finally got on the plane. On the way to the new plane and all, I met two nice young mexican girls, that just like me, were suffering from french traffic skills. We had a nice and pleasant flight, ate, drank, talked, drank and drank again. Of course, by this time, even though i let my mother know about this, she was freaking ouuuuuutt!! cuz, inside the plane i didnt have my cellphone and i think my credit went dead, so i could call nor send a text... nothing!
Stranded in Mexico City's airport |
When i got to mexico city, almost at midnight, of course my flight was gone. Everytbody's connection was gone. The airport was full of people!! finally got my connection rebooked, boarding pass printed, luggage claim straight to merida... all of it. Took out Scarlet (my beauuuutiful laptop) and, miraculeusement, remembered my infinitum (internet that can be public) password. Logged in and let my mother know i was still alive and well, and of the details of my arrival.
My hand luggage stranded with me |
so, with my new two friends, I spent the night AWAKE at mexico city's airport!!!
]i got home and ran outside, it was ooo hot! like... 22°C and sunny.. dleicious! of course not with all the clothes i was wearing!
After the airport I went for good mexican breakfast! TORTAAAS!! That is like a baguette sandwich but with meat instead of just ham and cheese... its delicious!!!