The crystallographie section, where I am now doing my thesis, is a nice place :D
It's right on top of the Museum Reich der Kristalle, infront of the different pinakoteken. I have a shared office with the Li-ion battery team; also there are nice across-the-hall neighbors that always give me food, and water for my coffee...nice people this neighbors jiji.
Also, we have the XRay machine for the analysis, and big windows to look out of.
Whenever I get brain blocked (several times a day) I go for a relaxing walk around the halls and encounter several different people :D
The PC room is a place for "work" but most people there only check their emails and facebook, only juju actually works there cuz his computer, a faithful machine, has started to have some age-related-problems :D.
Also most mama's elves work here, Kuan and Murad share an office, Jarret was ont he other side, also Tesfaye.
yin, mama's elve from last year, is doing her PhD here also, so... nice nice.
SoHyun's (my supervisor) office is right next to ours, so whenever she needs or wants us, we just hear her "melodic" plea for our presence from the other side of the wall.
But our office is a work place, not a chat room, however, there is always coffee and cookies :D... nice place to work.
Everyday around 12, we all send facebook, google and skype messages with the compelling text: food?.. oh yeah, the bliss of food witht he co-workers. If it's a nice day, we just go downstairs and eat outside.
As a new development, we have tandem lunches, this means that Casjen talks to us, Dayin and me, auf Deutsch during the entire lunch time :D it's quite nice.
We do have fun sometimes, us, science people...
It's right on top of the Museum Reich der Kristalle, infront of the different pinakoteken. I have a shared office with the Li-ion battery team; also there are nice across-the-hall neighbors that always give me food, and water for my coffee...nice people this neighbors jiji.
Also, we have the XRay machine for the analysis, and big windows to look out of.
Whenever I get brain blocked (several times a day) I go for a relaxing walk around the halls and encounter several different people :D
The PC room is a place for "work" but most people there only check their emails and facebook, only juju actually works there cuz his computer, a faithful machine, has started to have some age-related-problems :D.
Also most mama's elves work here, Kuan and Murad share an office, Jarret was ont he other side, also Tesfaye.
SoHyun's (my supervisor) office is right next to ours, so whenever she needs or wants us, we just hear her "melodic" plea for our presence from the other side of the wall.
But our office is a work place, not a chat room, however, there is always coffee and cookies :D... nice place to work.
Everyday around 12, we all send facebook, google and skype messages with the compelling text: food?.. oh yeah, the bliss of food witht he co-workers. If it's a nice day, we just go downstairs and eat outside.
As a new development, we have tandem lunches, this means that Casjen talks to us, Dayin and me, auf Deutsch during the entire lunch time :D it's quite nice.
We do have fun sometimes, us, science people...