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Finally we are having some sun!! This comes also with hot weather, but that's ok, as long as it's sunny.The peculiar thing, is that Münchners are soooooo not used to it, that when father sun appears, they all find a special way to show their respects.We, office party anim
als, go across the street to the thai place and get our chinesse box of food, or to lorenzo's for pizza or pasta. This is actually not called lorenzo's, but the guy in the pizza box looks like my friend lore jijiji.We sit right infront of the office, or at the steps of one of the museums around us. It also customary to go outside in the little fire scape hall around the building for coffee break and for those who smoke. It is quite nice.
The streets are filled with bike-riders, dog-walkers, kid-walkers, tourists, granpas and grammas streching their crackling joints... everybody goes out.Most of the time, you would encounter a group of half-naked men playing fotball, frisbee, or some kind of ball game; the girls in colorful underware lying around any free space of green (not so soft) ground, sunbathing. It's quite funny, cuz then the guys suddenly need to go for a walk around the gardens and poor Ismot can barely take a look around; between the half naked people and the dogs... uuuh no no no.Also, last night, I went to Garching Forschungszentrum (where the labs are) by bike! This is quite a feat for me!!! From where i live, according to goolge map directions, is 15.9 km one way, so yeah, I rode 32 km lastnight! It was great, I was dead tired but felt so good! Along the road you can feel the delicious smell of exposed-to-the-sun corn, it reminds me of my time in scottsville, Ky. Unfortunatelly, I didn't have my camera, so I couldn't take pics of the beautiful sunset. It took me two hours to go, strech a bit, go around the place with Rox and come back. It was a very very nice ride. Since the sun doesn't go down until like... 9:30 pm, I was good in time.The thing is that I am not the only crazy one, there were also a lot of people riding, of course, they all had those weird padded biking leggins or whatever they are, with very sporty-looking shirts and helmets and all, me... no, just some t-shirt and shorts jijiji
Weltmeisterschaft (WM).The 3rd Germany game was an intriguing event.We, office people, party animals that we are, went to the acclaimed hockeyDOM, making stress on the name: DOM - dome, yes, the hockey dome. What does that sound like? To me, it sounds like a huuuge hockey-arena-looking place, that is enormous and fun and cold right? Perfect for watching a game in a very hot summer day. NEIN! It was this crappy room with (very cool I must admit) puff sofas and ONE tiny bar. Man, we were scammed!!!Obviously... we left. We went to this event area-bar-biergarten-concert hall-club called backstage, quite cool. The odd part is that this german people.... DON'T CHEER!!! I guess only the people that actually go to the stadiums cheer all the time. This germans,
with all their supportive attire (shirts, scarfs, hats, horns...what not?) still did not cheer enough, at least to what I am used to.The best part was that I, obviously, was dressed to the occasion... from now on, I am to be adressed as Lulu, die Köningin von Deutschland! jijijiji.After the game, since this place is sort of a club, they started playing (the worst ever) music fromt he 80's, so, us, party animals from the office, started dancing and jumping around, specially me OF COURSE!! The guy that takes pics for the social web
pages was much entertained by my enthusiasm! jijiji In any case, all of us were on the dance floor and we left like at midnight. This was a weekday, and for scientists this is quite a social outing, I am proud of us :DOn the way home, everybody was yelling and honking their horns, people wearing german flag skirts and capes (much like mine :D).The game yesterday (sunday 27th) was waaaaay better. I had the genius idea to watch the game at the olympiastadion (olympic football stadium). Some people didn't turn up: I have to work and what not, yeah, on a sunday, on football sunday!! Others showed up late, very late. We sat on the sun side of the stadium and two of the people were too hungover to sit there,
so they moved infront with a terrible view, but shielded from the meanness of the solar deliciuos direct light! Poor casjen stayed in the sun and now he looks like a very blond shrimp jijiji, poor thing.Here, the crowds were more enthusiastic, they cheered, chanted, waved their flags, yelled... the whoooole shabang! I loooooooved it, I was waving my german flag like a bavarian blond in my dirndl and ten beer in my hands!, It was a lot of fun and the victory was masterful...true, the referee robed England of one gol, but 4-2 still goes to awesome Deutschland!Afterwards, we went to the englischer garten, found the mexicans, got a beer and started cheering. We all know how that played out.
Of course, and with good reason, I'm terribly sad and hating "a los #$%#$%4 pibes" more than ever, but now... I will rejoice in the apalling german victory and crushing shame of Argentina :D, yeah... I don't care for them that much.Still... Viva Mexico y arriba la selección!P.S.- On my way home, I fell on the street, yet again, at 23:00 and had a bleeding leg for the rest of the way to my room... genius
The world cup has started (as EVERYBODY knows of course!!!) and I looooooove it! For the opening game, México vs Southafrica, I had plans with the München mexicans to go watch it at the Englischer garten: huge screen, good weather, lots of people...perfect plan. My supervisor had other ideas. She kept me in her office until 4.30 pm!!!! (game was at 4 pm) in a neverending, nowhere-going
meeting about atomic structure refinement. Finally she took pity in me, cuz regardless of her asian origin, she loves football (or futbol, NOT soccer) and beer :D. So I finally got there (ripped my white pants trhough the butt in the way) and started cheering: Lucy-Fan surfaced and she is mean, violent and talks harsher than a sailor! I looove Lucy-Fan :D The match wasn't that great, but still, not too bad. Then I went to change clothes and came back for the France game, that I watched with my french entourage (my french friends) and I was called a blood traitor by a bolivian cuz I was cheering against a latinamerican country (that wasnt argentina) and that, well, is treason as he truthfully said.. idiot. On sunday I went to Olympia stadion for the Germany game, it's genius to watch a game in a stadium but... on a screen!! jajaja it's quite funny, I must admit. Then, well, I kept close watch to the other games and all, and thursday... all of us mexicans got together in studentstadt and rooooocked it there! Lucy-Fan made a visit again and it was like we were all in the Azteca!!! we chased (merely by enthusiastic cheering and chanting) a couple of french guys sporting ribery a
nd malouda jerseys... jijij, suuuuuckers! Of course, my entourage, that was pestering me all week to watch the game together, didn't really want to see me that night, but still, I saw juju and his visiting friend (which wasn't nice at all) and we still rocked it with tequila in french territory :D, now juju has style or what? The rest of the games have tooootally sucked! Then we had the other México game and I cannot believe we LOST against URUGUAY!!!! and now we have to face Argentina... again!!, man I hate them! I was also very surprised at France's results, not nice, not nice at all, but thanks Malouda for their only world cup gol, sort of helped us pass! :D Tonight we (office people) go to the hockey dome for the germany game, we'll see how that turns out! I hope germany passes!
After a lot of convincing from my friends, I decided that maybe it wasn´t suicide to go hiking with them to the alps... they did promiss to take
care of me :D So I went. It all started at 9.30 am on saturday when Juju came to my door banging like a maniac. I was so upset, who comes to my room at this ungodly hour on a saturday? oh yeah, we are going hiking!!!; but see, this happens when you come back at 6 am from student-festival-partying the night before. We finally met the others and took to the southern roads of germany, God bless the autobahn with no speed limit. After some time and disentions with dear old Tom Tom (GPS), we made it to Füssen, where the Neuschwanstein castle is, this is the castle that Ludwig ll (the crazy one that ended up in the river upside down cuz he "commited suicide") built to make it appear like sleeping beauty's castl
e (that disney tooootally copied and has it as cinderella's castle). We walked around the tiny town and went up to the castle area, hiked in the surrounding mountains, had a beer (obviously) and then went into the castle. As some of you already know, I had been to this castle already, and I hiked up to it through the woods along the very safe path these nice bavarian people have built, but this time we kept going up the mountain. Amazing views, toooootally recommended!. Then
we hurried to the first lidel we could find to get some provisions, then we went to the hostel and had a BBQ until 5.30 (second night in a row for me!!!) It was very nice, drank some casillero del diablo that even french people liked!!! what up? jiji. Somehow, I ended up lying on some field with gorgeous white, yellow and purple flowers watching the sunrise. On sunday we went to this other town close to the hostel and hiked up, needless to say... I WAS DYING!! but it was toootally worth it. We got to some fake man
-made lake, that was quite nice, and had picnic lunch there, then a beer (obviously) and headed back down for the way home. All of this took like.. almost 5 hours. THe chocoadventrue of the trip was that somehow, my glasses (the dark ones that have graduated lenses) fell into the river!!! Super Juju had to go in and get them for me! jijiji, nice man Juju. We finally made it home cooooompletely worn down. Still I went out for a ride with Rox and while I was trying to get to the Allianz arena, I got tooooootally lost, of course, and had to find my way back home before it got dark (at 10 pm!!!!). All in all, an amazing weekend.