This past weekend was a holiday in germany, and one of my friends was like: so Lucy, what up? wanna go to Budapest? and well, you know me: OF COURRRRRRSEEEEEEE!! so on we go, a japanese (Marie), a brazilian (Gustavo), a german (Andreas), an italian (Lore) and me (just to add flavor and spice :D) we took to the roads and drove to the east. First we stopped in Wien and got toootally ripped off while trying to eat a wiener snitzel, it was just fried chicken and tiny! but Wien is always beautiful. In Budapest, it took us foooorever to find the hostel, cuz between the two steps that separated Andreas from the door, he managed to forget the map and directions :D. But anyway, we found it just fine in the end. The hostel was more like a flat that someone just rents out by rooms of several people, it was quite nice, we had neighbors from rumania and some hunky dudes that were in Budapest for a metalica concert, YES! you read it right! I found out the next day of the concert! aaaarrggghhhh!!! >( So, thursday night, we met István (marie's friend from high school) and he took us out for dinner and we ate traditional hungarian food, it was so delicious! On friday we just went around the city and to a thermal bath. The place looked like a little castle. After a while, marie and I satrted people watching (mostly guys of course), and wow, how many wierd people there are, and from everywhere, there were several groups of french old dudes (and as always, next to me, french follows me everywhere), people from USA, the bleached-bitchy-blond-cougar with the not so hot old dude, the cute black guy, nirvana guy (he looked like kurt cobain was his idol or something), and so on, it was very funny. Nirvana-guy started talking to us but when our entourage (the guys :D) came back, he sort of went away and just stared at us from across the pool. Creepy. Then we went for dinner to a sports restaurant, very cool. Then we found a tarantino party with very cheap beer, so awesome as well. Afterwards we went to a club that had several dancing rooms, and basements, and bars and well... you get the idea... cool :D we danced til they kicked us out at 430 am :D On sat we finally left the hostel at like... 3pm and the weather was teeeerrible, we walked around, crosssed the danube, went up to the castle and around. then we went into a cafe shop that was very cool, and drank hot chocolate and ate pizza. Then we finally got back and got ready to go out. We went to a cool basement-sports-bar. Then everybody went back to the hostel, but lore and I went to an irish pub... it was filled with creeps!!! the pub was cool, but the people there were wierd beyond measure. We made a friend that would've liked either of us jajaja On sunday, we walked around a little more, went to buy some traditional hungarian schnapps and headed back. Budapeset is an awesome city, has something fun, interesting or cool to offer at every turn. The people are very nice and helpful. Me like it!
Ahí estaba ella, ligeramente apoyada en el poste a la entrada del metro. Vestido negro, escote bajo – ah, qué bien se ve, como me gusta esta mujer– pensé.
– Una bella chica esperando por mí, no pasa muy a menudo. Te ves muy bien Cris.
– Gracias Óscar, siéntete libre de ver – me contestó dejando escapar una risita de adolescente que me provocó un cosquilleo en la piel.
– Los demás ya están ahí.
– Ah, perfecto. Me muero de ganas de bailar – me dijo.
– Que bueno, me gusta bailar contigo.
Sí que me gustaba bailar con ella. Sincronizar mi cuerpo entero al ritmo del continuo y preciso contoneo de sus caderas. Cristina es una mujer que sabe bailar.
Después de ese halago, me regaló una de sus dulces sonrisas, claramente interesada en mí. Me gusta la sensación y la seguridad que proporciona el saber que una mujer, yuna mujer como Cris, está dispuesta a estar con uno.
Finalmente llegamos al antro y los demás ya habían entrado, así que pasamos por seguridad y encontramos a nuestro grupo. Inmediatamente noté que una chica nueva estaba en nuestra mesa. Se veía bien. Traía el pelo largo, suelto y ondulado; con labios gruesos y bien definidos. La sonrisa de Cris se me hace más deseable, pero esta chica nueva sí que se veía bien.
– ¡Hola! Soy Óscar, ¿Cómo te llamas? – le pregunté.
– Sofía, ¿Qué tal?
Estuvimos charlando la noche entera.
Pasada una hora, noté que Cris caminaba junto a mí. Un hombre la llevaba de la mano hacia la pista de baile. Cris adora bailar y lo hace bien. Disfruto mucho bailar con ella. Es la segunda vez que lo menciono ¿verdad?
Regresé a mi conversación con Sofía. Me platicaba acerca de un libro de arte. Cris lee muchísimo, ¡por diversión! Ella lee todo tipo de libros, le encanta la fantasía y aventuras para niños. Yo leo bastante. Me gusta la novela histórica y ciencia ficción. Cris lee mucho.
Así pasé gran parte de la noche. Cuando me despedí de Sofía, me acerqué lentamente rozando su mejilla hasta encontrar sus jugosos labios. ¡Qué delicia!, de verdad que sí. Lo mejor es que el truco funciona: deslizar la cara por un costado, lenta y suavemente. Le enseñé a Cris esta técnica pues ella no tiene la más mínima idea de cómo coquetear a propósito y pues le pasé algo de mi sabiduría. Somos buenos amigos. Me pregunto si ya ha probado ese movimiento con alguien, tal vez con el hombre con el que bailaba. Cierta parte de mí fuertemente desea que no.
Después de que Sofía se marchó, regresé a la mesa y me encontré con la mirada fija de Cris. Sonreía pero la alegría de su boca no tocaba sus ojos. Espero no me haya visto besar a la chica nueva. Ella se volvió y siguió bailando alegremente.
Cris y yo somos amigos pero no quiero que me vea besando a alguien más.
Durante el resto de la noche siguió bailando con aquel fulano. Cuando quería acercarme a ella, solamente me sonreía y volvía con él. No tuve más oportunidad de hablar o bailar con Cris. Tenía muchas ganas de bailar con ella. Cris baila muy bien. Tercera vez ¿verdad?
Bueno, después de un rato, él se le acercaba cada vez más y ella se apartaba sutilmente. Me volteó a ver con una mirada suplicante y me acerqué. Inmediatamente le dijo al hombre que ya se tenía que marchar y me tomó de la mano. Al fin entendí el mensaje. La tomé por la cintura y nos alejamos rápidamente. Unos pasos después, se detuvo y me dio las gracias.
– Parto, Óscar. Estoy muy cansada, me voy a casa.
– Pero, ¿cómo? Todavía no es muy tarde y no hemos tenido oportunidad de bailar.
– Lo siento de verdad, he bailado toda la noche y estoy cansada. Gracias por la invitación, me he divertido muchísimo. Tus amigos son increíbles.
Hablaba con una sonrisa bizarra y tenía los ojos brillantes. Se dio media vuelta y su mano escapó de la mía. Me tomó unos segundos comprender lo que pasaba.
La seguí fuera del antro. Ya estaba a media cuadra cuando la vi. Me acerqué corriendo y llamándola. Se dio vuelta mirándome directamente a los ojos. Se veía tan bella con ese vestido negro.
A veces siento que tiene una sonrisa especial para mí y me encanta. Sin embargo, me sonrió y no hallé rastro alguno de tan especial curvatura en sus labios, ¿a dónde se fue?, ¿por qué no está ahí mi sonrisa? Me le quedé mirando, nada cambió. Así estuvimos alrededor de un minuto, o tal vez una eternidad.
Se volvió de nuevo y comenzó a caminar. Intenté detenerla y abrazarla
– Cris, ¡espera!, ¿Qué pasa?
Tenuemente se deslizo lejos de mi alcance. Cris siempre es sutil y suave al tacto, lo cual contrasta fuertemente con la torpeza de movimiento que padece. Siempre anda topando con muebles, tumbando las cosas, la ropa con gotas secas de café. Cris bebe cantidades industriales de café.
– Nada pasa, simplemente estoy cansada, bailé la noche entera ¿sabes? Y en bellísimos tacones altos.
Me sonrió, todavía sin rastro de aquella sonrisa mía que tanto me gusta. Cris gusta mucho de los zapatos altos. Tiene muchísimos. Me gusta como se ve cuando los trae puestos.
Me le quedé mirando. Que bellos ojos los suyos. Son grandes y almendrados, cafés, café chocolate, casi negros y enmarcados con pestañas de longitud impresionante.
Estaba hipnotizado por su mirada. Me acerqué para besarla y repentinamente se alejó, rompiendo el momento y mi abrazo. Como una ola de agua fría a la cara.
– Me has visto con Sofía, ¿no es verdad?
Me sonrió dulcemente, todo rastro de mi especial sonrisa completamente desvanecido.
– Nos vemos luego Óscar. Me voy a casa, estoy cansada.
Estaba cansada, había bailado toda la noche. Cris baila muy bien, me gusta bailar con ella. ¿Cómo?, ¿es la cuarta vez que lo menciono?
No volví a ver a la chica nueva. Cris no volvió a bailar conmigo.
So, on friday 30/04/2010 I embarqued in a quest: to see a lot of beautiful swizerland. So friday afternoon I went to zürich with mitfahren (like a carpool) with 2 very interesting guys. One, the one with the car, works at audi and has a girlfriend close to basel. He is 34 and a very nice and funny guy. The other one, also with a girlfriend in basel, has 32 and works at a software company that makes chips for the cars, so aaaaalso very very cool. Very interesting conversation and we made it to Zürich in a little more than 2 hours: THANK YOU AUTOBAHN!In Zürich, my friend Gwen cooked and cooked and I ate and ate. On saturday we went to Zug and Wädenswill to do some tourism, it was very very nice, such pretty landscape.On Sunday, we picked up some of Gwen's new friends and went to..... LIECHTENSTEIN!!! how about that? It's a tiny country (principality) between switzerland and austria. The only alpine country with the totality of its territory inside the alps.... of course, it's so tiny they have no choice jijiji.
Sunday evenigng we picked up our friends coming in from Japan to the status meeting.Monday, after Juju got to Zürich, we started our trip to Rigi Kulm (top of some mountain around the Luzern lake)We got there and the place was so beautiful, we all went for a walk in the mountain, there was still some snow around, IN MAY, awesome right?The hotel was very nice and very fancy, they gave us delicious food and very good strong coffee, they had mini swiss chocolates all over the place (Gwen got a stomach ache).On tuesday the presentationsstarted.
Everybody presented what they have been doing for the past three months in their respective internships. Some were interesting, others very messy, other plain boring, others very funny. Of course mine was funny, not so much interesting nor complicated jijijiIt was very tiring, so at night we all drank with our supervisors and invited proffesors jiji. The only really bad thing was that the weather was bad, the clouds descended cuz it was raining on the lake, and well, at 1800m we were INSIDE the cloud, it was very very different for me. Bad and good at the same time. At least we didn't miss out on awesome hiking tours for having presentations :DTuesday we went back down from the mountain and everybody went their own way. Juju, Gwen and I went to Luzern and there we met my friend Marie-Éve from Canada, she is is living there now. We walked around the city and went for some beers. Luzern is awesome and they have sooooo many swans.Then we went to Lausanne for the rock fest. In the way we stoped for some mountain hiking, my first ever! It was very cool. Of course I fell and got mud all over my jeans, but it was great :DWe got to Lausanne and to the hostel, they had sangrias waiting for us, so of course, I loved them already jijiji. Then we went to a park near by for a BBQ dinner. It was delicious and fun. They had free beer (for everybody) and some Jäggermeister (only for VIP, so of course I conviced some guys to give me some, I loooove Jägger). Needless to say, we made friends and we were very happy about it jijiOn the way to the Rock fest, I felt the necesity to attend to my bodily functions, so I went into the woods for some bladder evacuation and LOST MY CAMERA. So sad, so there are no pics of the rock fest :( , but it was awesome. They had more than 20 bands, like 4 stages, DJ's, the whole shabang! they went all out. It was very very cool. I went into the slam and fell (obviously), then I see this arm pulling me: Gwen saving me from being crushed to death. He started saying something and I tooootally ignored him and went back in the slam.... and fell again jijiji. He saved me once more and wouldn't let me back in.... the little B*** (:D). There was also a sumo fight and all. Fun fun fun.On saturday, Juju decided he needed some more rest, but Gwen and I went to the city rally. It was fun. We got a bunch of strangers to take a group pic with our group infront of a fountain, also we crammed 8 people into a phone booth.Then we went to the sports part of the event. We had a kayac race, that we won... of course. It was the only one jajaja, the rest we totally sucked at. Then they gave us free beer yet again jiji. Went looking for my camera and guess what... we FOUND IT!!! Then we went back to the hostel and got ready for the night partyIt was swiss night with fondue. It was soooo delicious and fun. We ate, drank, danced, drank, ate, drank, danced.. you get the idea. All of a sudden they started giving out free alcohol. To sumarize, I have a bottle of olmeca (very cheap) tequila in my room as a souvenir from that alcohol giving spree. So nice these swiss people :DSunday we went to the olympic museum and to evian with a boat ride. That was very nice, but the weather started to get bad again, so it was very cold in the lake.After we got back, we drove back to Zürich and then Juju and I back to München. All in all, it was an awesome 10-day-tour this swiss adventure. I toooootally recomend this country for visiting, every corner of it has something beautiful to offer.
He kept on sleeping, deeply breathing next to me. How long should I stay? open the window for air? I don't want to wake him with my movement
So kind he is, such gentle touch The contact of his fingers with my skin is electrifying How long should I stay? maybe I should sneak out through the bathroom
His voloptous lips covering mine gives me the sense of flying Unable to keep my feet grounded So young he puts his entire soul in one soft kiss How long should I stay? Should I say goodbye or simply smile?
He keeps the blankets warm his arms lock me so close to his chest, moving slowly to the rythm of his breathing the urge of fleeing invades me, why?
kind and gentle boy, I must leave you soon. How long should I stay?
Life is ridiculoously funny and bizarre. It plays witty, sarcastic and ironic jokes on a dayly basis. The following nonsensical verbosity will attempt to illustrate it as acurately as posible